By Nathan Isings
June 14, 2021
Remote to Real Life Story 2020 was the year of changes, whether for temporary safety measures or working towards permanent improvements. Either way, though this year has brought forth so many hurtles to test our adaptiveness in a shifting global epidemic, the same can be said about novel growth opportunities. This is especially true for me. As the newest addition to the Noravera roster of all-star post production editors, I find myself coming out of this pandemic (whenever that may be) with the most unforeseen, yet exciting, step into my career as I could have imagined. Back in May 2020, I was a wide-eyed, fresh film-school graduate itching to get my foot in the post production industry’s door. Freelance work came and went, but I spent most of my free time combing through job pages and production company websites for any open opportunities to find a place, and a team, to grow with. As my search went on, I started looking outside my familiar bubble of Montreal, Quebec, where I had grown up virtually my whole life, and Toronto, Ontario, which I had swiftly packed up and left in March after four years when my university campus closed its doors indefinitely. That’s when I came across this interesting Vancouver production company who was advertising for an editor position. Now, having been told from the beginning of my education that I would have to spend years climbing the latter as an assistant to eventually become a professional “editor”, which is generally true in the Avid-fuelled film and television sector, this just seemed out of my reach. However, I did my due diligence, watched whatever work I could find online and immediately thought to myself “heck yeah, I could add something to this.” And that’s exactly what I wrote in my cover letter that same day.