It is difficult because it weighs on so many emotions. You have worked so hard to build systems, bought hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment all while trying to build a culture that makes Noravera truly what it is, to then have to rethink the whole thing within a matter of weeks and make decisions that are scary, emotional and ones that you don’t want to make but have to be made.
The dance becomes about how to keep the team together and keep as many working as possible, while looking out for the business by maintaining cashflow so there is something to come back to when this is all over.
As the entire world is unsure of what the weeks and months look like ahead. It has forced us to make some decisions that were not easy ones. We’ve had to adjust our team, our services and what we do as a business altogether. The large portion of our business has been forced to shut down due to the fact that social isolation means we can’t spend time together as a team or spend time with clients whether it is for planning shoots or actually filming with them.
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