BC Dairy


BC Dairy

The Challenge:

Showing the human side of our dairy farmers.

The objective of the Inspired by Farmers series was to maintain public trust and support of BC Dairy farmers by changing perceptions about dairy farmers. Working together with our friends at Taxi we chose three local BC Dairy Farmers with three well known chefs from Vancouver to feature in this series. These chefs visited the farms to have the opportunity to learn where their dairy products come from, and about the real people who produce it. Each chef produced dishes inspired by the farmers and their stories.

The Value:

A quick turnaround timeline paired with travel logistics between local Vancouver restaurants and farms in Chilliwack, Agassiz, and Vancouver Island required detailed project management in order to effectively execute the shoot days and maximize resources in post-production. Our client spent two weeks of in-person edit sessions in our edit-suite working directly with our Director and Editor in order to deliver the first round of video assets by the deadline. 

Short 30 second versions of all of the three stories were shared in cinemas last summer and fall while the full 90-second primary videos, as well as 30, 15, and 10-second shorts were shared across social platforms and used as sponsored ads (the complete set of assets can be found at www.inpsiredbyfarmers.ca). Overall, it was a unique way to share our local dairy farmers’ stories and what inspires them.

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